Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implies a concept, whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. A Company is permitted to undertake the CSR activities either itself or through a Section 8 company, or a registered public trust or a registered society, registered under section 12A and 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and/or and having an established track record of at least three years in undertaking similar activities; or established by the Central Government or State Government; or any entity established under an Act of Parliament or a State legislature.
The NGOs, who intends to undertake CSR activities are now required to obtain mandatory CSR Registration Number (CRN) by filling form CSR -1 with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. On registration, a unique CSR Registration Number will be allotted to the applicant(s).
We provide the services regarding registration of above mentioned entities in CSR-1